Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Your References Can Cost You the Job

How Your References Can Cost You the JobHow Your References Can Cost You the JobWhen it comes to getting hired, job references can be the deal closer- or the deal breaker, depending on who you choose and what they say about you. Thats why its important for job seekers to pay close attention to the finer details of securing job references.Your job references can cost you the job- here are seven ways how1. You didnt ask ahead of time.Some candidates might consider job references as an afterthought, but theyre really critical to the overall success of your job interviewing experience. So dont just jot down three random names when asked to supply a potential employer with references. Not asking ahead of time can insult the person, plus put them in a position of having to be a reference when they might not have wanted to be one.More than likely, though, your job reference would be happy to do it- just dont assume that they will.2. You asked the wrong people. You got through to the final s tages of the job interviewing process, and are faced with having to give a few job references. Thing is, you dont really have anyone who can vouch for you. Sometimes, job seekers will ask the wrong people to vouch for them, like their parents, other family members, or their close friends.But unless youve worked with (or for) all of them, they dont count towards credible references. Remember, a job reference is there to offer info on your job performance, not that youre a sweetheart who gets along well with everyone.3. You didnt prep them. You got the green light from a former anfhrer to give their name as a job reference. The only problem- you didnt prep him on what to say ahead of time. Job seekers automatically assume that references will know exactly what to say, but they might not.Explain what you need them to say for example, you can ask a former boss to offer insight into your work ethic and your ability to come up with new ideas. And if youre looking for a remote job, make su re that your references also talk up those soft skills that remote companies are looking for, such as strong communication and problem-solving skills.Refresh their memory of anything outstanding that you did while working for the company you should also send over your current resume so that your reference can be reminded of your skills.4. You assumed theyd give you a glowing reference.While you wouldnt say that you had the best relationship with your former boss, it wasnt the worst, either. So when you find out later that your reference gave you a less-than-stellar review, your hopes (and your chances of getting the job) are dashed.If you think that you might not get the glowing praise that you need to get hired for the job, ask your reference what he would say when speaking with a potential boss. If you get the feeling that your reference wont be completely positive, you might want to look for another person to help you.5. You didnt explain what type of job you were applying for. E ven the most well-meaning of job references can blunder their way through a conversation if theyre unsure of what type of job you actually want.When speaking with your reference, let them know the position youre applying for, and tie in how your work with them would make you a top candidate for the job. Then, they can give a clearer reference with specific talking points that can erleichterung their argument for offering you the job.6. You didnt vary your references.Lets face it sometimes the pickings are slim when it comes to job references, especially if you havent had a lot of work experience, have had some jobs that youd like to leave off your resume, or have had employment gaps.If its possible, though, try to vary your references. Look to have at least two to three of these categories represented someone you worked with (i.e., a former colleague or peer), a former boss, a client who hired you (especially if youre looking to land freelance work), and also someone who worked for you, like another employee or even an intern.Having a varied list of references can paint a bigger picture for your future employer as to what kind of employee youd really be.7. You didnt follow up. In an ideal world, youd only have to use your references once and, based on their glowing praise, youd get hired for the job. Unfortunately, your references might have to speak to several employers before youre hired for a position. So make sure to follow up with each of them after they speak with a potential boss.You should do so not only to see how things went, but to thank them for vouching for you. And once youre hired for a job, you should send them a thank-you musiknote (and possibly a little gift) to show your appreciation for their part in landing the job.Know someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

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