Friday, December 13, 2019

3 insights from Gisele Bundchen that can help you live your best life

3 insights from Gisele Bundchen that can help you live your best life3 insights from Gisele Bundchen that can help you live your best lifeAt the center of Gisele Bndchens life philosophy, and the core message underlying herbei newly published best-selling memoir,Lessons My Path to a Meaningful Life, is the highest valued human emotion Love. The most important thing that I want everyone to take from the book is Live your life with love. If were not loving toward ourselves, we cant be loving toward others.Everything starts with ourselves, she says. The supermodel, U.N. Goodwill Ambassador, and environmentalist offers poignant insights to live by in a contemplative exchange with Arianna Huffington on theThrive Global Podcast, in partnership withiHeartRadioandSleep Number. Their conversation included three valuable science-backed takeaways that will improve your life.Make love your creedLove is the engine that fuels every facet of Bndchens life and her spiritual practice. Love is my rel igion because love is the only thing that communicates across the board, she says. It is the only truth the only guiding light in my life. Adopting Bndchens point of view could benefit you immensely.Studies spearheaded by Kory Floyd, Ph.D., a communications professor at the University of Arizona whose research focuses on how affectionate communication affects human health, demonstrate that expressing our love in word or deed increases immunity and lowers stress hormones, cholesterol, and blood pressure.Dont be controlled or defined by what others thinkBndchen actively resists being defined by others. Anytime that you become so defined by a title, or something, you can become enslaved by it, she tells Huffington. That can put you in a box We are not just one thing. And not only do we contain multitudes, as the poet Walt Whitman once wrote, we also can be mora fully ourselves if we avoid getting caught up in the trap of worrying about what others think of us.Most of the time what peop le think of us has nothing to do with us. Its mostly to do with what they feel about themselves, Bndchen points out. Science proves shes right about that A2004 studyshowed that egocentricism muddles our ability to see one another accurately. Keeping that in mind will help liberate you from being preoccupied with other people, and will allow you to focus on your own personal development instead.Get rid of the clutterWhen Huffington asks if Bndchens extremely tidy and spare home helps her remain present and productive, she responds, I think so for sure. I cant think in a messy or cluttered environment. I like only the necessary. The reason she likes things to be very clean and neat and organized is because she thinks her energy can flow better in those environments, boosting her creativity. Studies buttress her point of view. APrinceton study found that an accumulation of detritus challenges our ability to concentrate and complete tasks efficiently. To boot, if we think of our homes a s healing sanctuaries, as Bndchen does hers, it can improve our mental wellbeing, according to a2010 study.To find out more, listen to the full conversation on iHeartRadio,here. You can also listen to the Thrive Global podcast internationally for free oniTunes.This article was originally published on Thrive Global.

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