Friday, December 27, 2019

Definition and Consequences of Adultery in the Military

Definition and Consequences of Adultery in the MilitaryDefinition and Consequences of Adultery in the MilitaryI get emails all the time (usually from wives) asking what constitutes the crime of adultery in todays military? Usually, the wife is upset because she perceives that the military did nothing about a wayward husbands wicked ways, or are angry because the military did not punish him for cheating on herbei. So, is adultery still an offense under the military justice system?Yes, and no. It depends on the circumstances. You may be surprised to learn that adultery is not listed as an offense in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The UCMJ is a federal law, enacted by Congress, to govern legal discipline and court martials for members of the armed forces. Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ encompasses the punitive offenses (these are crimes one can be prosecuted for). None of those articles specifically mentions adultery. Adultery in the military is prosecuted under Artic le 134, which is also known as the General Article. Article 134 prohibits conduct which is of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, or conduct which is prejudicial to good buchung and discipline. The UCMJ allows the President of the United States to administer the UCMJ by writing an Executive Order, known as the Manual for Court Martial (MCM). The MCM includes the UCMJ and also supplements the UCMJ by establishing gsongs of Proof, (exactly what the government must *prove* to prosecute an offense), an explanation of offenses, and maximum permissible punishments for each offense (among other things). While the MCM is an Executive Order, enacted by the President, in reality, much of the contents are a result of military and federal appeals court decisions. One of the things that the MCM does is to expand article 134 into various sub-articles. One of these sub-articles covers the offense of adultery (Article 134, paragraph 62). Adultery, as a military offense, is difficult to prosecute (legally) for several reasons. There are three Elements of Proof for the offense of Adultery in the Military That the accused wrongfully had sexual intercourse with a certain personThat, at the time, the accused or the other person welches married to someone else andThat, under the circumstances, the conduct of the accused welches to the prejudice of good buchen and discipline in the armed forces or welches of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces. Element 1 can be very hard to prove. Remember, a court-martial (like civilian court) requires *proof* beyond a reasonable doubt. Proof of sexual intercourse normally requires photographs, a confession of one of the parties involved, an eye-witness, or other legally admissible proof. (The mere fact that someone stayed over at another individuals house, or even slept with them in the same bed is not proof of sexual intercourse. Element 2 is usually pretty easy for the government to prove. There is normally sufficien t written evidence to prove whether or not someone is legally married. (Many folks will be surprised to learn that in the military, a single person can be charged with the crime of adultery). Element 3, in many cases, can be the most difficult item to prove. The government must show that the individuals conduct had some direct negative impact on the military. This normally would include cases of fraternization (officer enlisted) or a relationship with another military member, or a military spouse. Some of you may remember the famous Lt. Kelly Flynn case of a few years back. Lt. Kelly Flynn was the Air Forces first female B-52 pilot. Unfortunately, Lt. Flynn was an unmarried officer who was having an affair with a married civilian. Lt. Flynn was advised by a First Sergeant and later ordered by her Commander, to terminate the affair. She broke up with her boyfriend, but later they got back together, and, when asked about it, Lt. Flynn lied. Lt. Flynn was then charged with the offense s of adultery, giving a false official statement, conduct unbecoming of an officer, and disobeying an order of a superior commissioned officer. So, where was the military connection for the adultery charge? Well, the civilian boyfriend, was the husband of an active duty enlisted Air Force member, stationed at the same base as Lt. Flynn. Therefore, Lt. Flynns affair had a direct negative impact on the morale of that military service member (the enlisted wife is the one who originally complained about the inappropriate actions of Lt. Flynn). Lt. Flynn didnt face a military court, however she was allowed to resign her commission instead of court-martial (lots of media attention probably had something to do with this decision by the Air Force). In 1998, the Clinton Administration authored a change to the Manual for Courts-Martial, which provided that cases of adultery be handled at the lowest appropriate level. Clinton provided specific guidance for commanders to use to determine whethe r or not the members conduct was prejudicial to good order and discipline, or of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces. While the President does have the authority to issue changes to the MCM, this proposal resulted in screams and yells from Congressand was subsequently dropped. However, in a very quiet move, in 2002, President Bush adopted many of the changes that were proposed by President Clinton. In addition to the Elements of Proof, the Explanation section under this offense now requires commanders to consider several factors when determining whether or not the offense of adultery constitutes a crime. Before I discuss these factors, its important to understand the role of the commanding officer in theMilitary criminal justice process. In the civilian world, whether or not an incident should be prosecuted as a crime is up to the District Attorney (DA). For example, in the hometown where I grew up, a 70-year-old shopkeeper who had been robbed one too many times, got a gun and then took a couple of shots at a robberas the robber tried to drive away. This is a crime under the law. Its not self-defense, as the robber was already driving away at the time, and the shopkeeper had no reason to fear for his life, at the time he shot. Under the law, the shopkeeper could have been prosecuted for several offenses, ranging from an unlawful discharge of a firearm within the city limits to attempted murder. However, under the circumstances, the DA declined to prosecute. The DA felt that due to the shopkeepers age, the history of previous robberies, and the lucky fact he didnt hit anyone, that prosecution was not in the best interests of the community. In the Military, the role of the DA is performed by the commanding officer, after consultation with theJudge Advocate General(JAG). Its not the JAG who decides who is and is not prosecuted for an offense in the Military (he/she only advises). Its the commanding officer who makes the ultimate decision. Now that doesnt mean that the DA or the commanding officer have total arbitrary authority. The DA is responsible for his/her decisions to his/her boss (either the people who elected them into office, or the elected official who appointed them, depending on where you live), and the Military commanding officer is responsible to his/her boss (higher ranking commanding officers in the chain of command). Factors Commanding Officers Are Required to Consider As mentioned above, the Manual For Courts-Martial now requires commanding officers to consider certain factors when determining whether or not adultery has a direct negative impact on the military, and should be considered a criminal offense The accuseds marital status,military rank, grade, or position.The co-actors marital status, military rank, grade, and position, or relationship to thearmed forces.The military status of the accuseds spouse or the spouse of co-actor, or their relationship to the armed forces. If a high-ranking Military o fficer such as a Wing Commander, or Battalion Commander is having an affair, this is much more likely to have a direct negative impact on the Military (public perception-wise) than if a two-striper is having an affair. If the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (a 4-star general) is caught having an affair, it would likely be on Fox News, CNN, and headlined in the major newspapers almost immediately. If the two-striper is caught having an affair, it likely wont even rate one line in the local newspaper. If the affair involves two Military people (especially if they are in the same unit), this is more likely to have a direct negative impact on the Military than if a military person is having an affair with a civilian with no connection to the Military. If the affair involves the additional crime offraternization, this would very likely have a direct negative impact on the Military. The impact, if any, of the adulterous relationship on the ability of the accused, the co-actor, or the spouse of either to perform their duties in support of the armed forces. When I was aFirst SergeantatEdwards Air Force Base,I responded to a domestic argument between twomarried military members, both assigned to my squadron. There didnt appear to be any violence involved. Because neither were willing to tell me exactly what the argument was about, I decided to put the male member into the dormitory for a couple of days, to give them a cooling off period.The very next afternoon, I received a call from Security Forces(Air Force Cops), who said they were responding to my dormitory because they received a call that there was a woman in the parking lot with a shotgun, yelling. As it turns out (you guessed it), it was the female member. The cause of the argument was that she found out her husband was having an affair with another Military member. Unfortunately, that other member happened to live in the same dormitory I moved the male member into. The thought of them being in the same b uilding together caused her to snap. She went out (with a shotgun) looking for them (thankfully, she never found them, and the shotgun was not loaded). In any event, its safe to say that the male members adulterous affair had a direct impact on the female members ability to perform her duties. The misuse, if any, of government time and resources to facilitate the commission of the conduct. One time (again at Edwards Air Force Base), I received at 1000 p.m. phone call from an upset spouse of one of the members assigned to my squadron. She said that she thought her husband was having an affair, so she followed him that night as he went to the base bowling alley, picked up a young woman and then went to the squadron building. I drove over to the squadron and went to the members duty section. Using my master key, I quietly opened the door and, well, you get the picture. This members choice of location to conduct his adulterous activities was a clear violation of this particular standard . Whether the conduct persisted despite counseling or orders to desist the flagrancy of the conduct, such as whether any notoriety ensued and whether the adulterous act was accompanied by other violations of the UCMJ. In the vast majority of cases, if a commanding officer receives information that a member is, or might be, involved in an adulterous affair, the commander attempts to resolve the situation by counseling the member. In some cases, the counseling is accompanied by a legal order to desist in an adulterous affair. If the member then complies, thats usually the end of the matter. Recall the Lt. Kelly Flynn case, the First Sergeant and commander tried to resolve the situation with counseling and an order to terminate the relationship. Had Lt. Flynn complied, she might be a senior officer in the Air Force to today. But, she disobeyed the order, violatingArticle 90of the UCMJ, then lied about it, in violation ofArticle 107. The negative impact of the conduct on the units or o rganizations of the accused, the co-actor or the spouse of either of them, such as a detrimental effect on unit or organization morale, teamwork, and efficiency. A quiet adulterous affair that nobody knows about is probably not going to have a negative impact on the unit(s) of the parties involved. On the other hand, if everyone in the unit knows about it (like any office affair), it can cause tension and resentment within the unit.One time, while assigned as aFirst Sergeantto an Air Force F-15 Squadron at Bitburg Air Base in Germany, our squadron was sent TDY (Temporary Duty) for two weeks to Nellis AFB (Las Vegas) to participate in an annual Red Flag flying exercise. About half-way through the TDY, I picked up on a rumor that at an off-base party on Friday night, a certain two-striper female operations clerk and a certain married captain (commissioned officer) pilot were seen dancing pretty hot and heavy in the corner of a bar where the party occurred. Everyone knew what probably happened that night when the couple left the bar. When I heard the rumor, I briefed the commander, and he counseled the pilot, while I had a talk with the enlisted member. We had no proof that sexual intercourse happened, but we wanted to nip the situation in the bud. To all indications, the affair (if any) ended immediately. However, when we returned to home base, the rumors persisted. If the two-striper smiled at the pilot when he walked by, the hallways were full of whispers. If it seemed that the pilot spent too much time at the duty desk (where the airman worked) looking over the daily flight schedule, the whispers would start again. One day the whispers reached the ears of the pilots wife, and she passed the rumor on to the Wing Commander (however, she most certainly did not whisper). Thats when all the stuff hit the proverbial fan. While the crime of adultery wasnt charged (no way to prove that actual sexual intercourse had occurred), the pilot received an Article 15 for fra ternization (inappropriate conduct with an enlisted member), which pretty much ended his career. The enlisted member quietly asked for a discharge, and it was readily approved (she received a general discharge). Whether the accused or co-actor was legally separated andWhether the adulterous misconduct involves an ongoing or recent relationship or is remote in time. In most cases, commanding officers are not going to be all that concerned with sexual relationships that happen after a member is legally separated from his/her spouse, unless its a matter that involves some other direct negative impact on the Military, such as fraternization. Additionally, commanders are not going to be all that concerned with allegations that a member had an adulterous affair sometime in the past.What all of this means is that many incidents of adultery may not be considered a punishable crime in the military, unless the commanding officer determines that there is some directnegative impact on the milit ary itself. In other cases, the matter is best resolved in civil (divorce) court, just as it is for civilians. In the civilian world, its easy to find DAs who are harder on prosecuting certain types of crimes in one jurisdiction than in another. For example, DAs in Nebraska are likely to treat possession of marijuana with a harder view than DAs in California. In the Military, commanding officers in different commands also often differ when considering the above conditions. Some commanders may give the conditions a more liberal view than others. Additionally, many people in the Military (including many commanding officers), feel that, as adultery is not a criminal offense in civilian life (its handled by divorce courts, not criminal courts), so it should be in the Military. In my experience, adultery is almost never charged as a stand-alone criminal offense inArticle 15orCourt-Martialactions. It is generally added on to the list of charges, only if the member is already going to be prosecuted for one or more other criminal offenses. For example, if the commander decided to prosecute a married Military member for the crime of writing bad checks, and investigation disclosed that the member wrote the checks in order topay for a hotel roomto have an affair with someone, the commander may decide to tack on a charge of adultery to the list of bad check charges. This does not mean, however, that military members are free to shack up with whomever they please. Commanders have a lot of discretion when it comes to administrative procedures, andadministrative actions(such as reprimands, denial of promotions, performance report remarks, etc.) are not governed by the relatively strict legal requirements of the UCMJ or Manual for Courts-Martial. When the matter is resolved using procedures under Article 15 or administrative sanctions, the actions are protected under thePrivacy Act of 1974. Its only a matter of public record if the member is punished by Courts-Martial. Under the Privacy Act, commanding officers are prohibited, by Federal Law, to disclose any Article 15 or administrative action, without the express, written consent of the Military member. Therefore, its entirely possible that the member will be punished, for committing adultery, and the complaining spouse will never know of it. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

5 Ways to Ace the Video Conference Interview

5 Ways to Ace the Video Conference Interview5 Ways to Ace the Video Conference Interview5 Ways to Ace the Video Conference InterviewThe nuances of the video conference einstellungsgesprch are not to be ignored. Heres how to prepare for success. TWEETIn todays job searching climate, technology has ironically made it both easier and more difficult to land your dream job. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of job search boards and due to more sophisticated communication technology, job seekers can now vorstellungsgesprch for a job halfway across the country, or the world, from the comfort of their own home.But all this convenience is not without its drawbacks. If youve ever participated in a video interview, the first word that comes to mind is probably awkward. Delays, lost signals, weird uncomfortable eye contact and talking over one another are the rules and not the exceptions. Despite this, the cost savings and convenience will ensure that video interviewing is here to stay. Here are five video interview tips to help avoid the awkwardness and make yourself stand out during your video interview.PracticeConducting a dry run is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you come across as polished and professional. Coordinate with a friend to do a practice interview to make sure you are comfortable connecting to the call and that your equipment works. Do everything you can to ensure your web connection is as strong as possible and practice with your conferencing equipment so that you are aware of tendencies to delay or lag in the transmission.SettingThe last thing you want during your interview is for the interviewer to be distracted by a pile of dirty laundry, glamour portrait of you or your spouse on the wall (as lovely as it probably is) or anything else blatantly non-professional. Practice proper job interview etiquette by setting up your computer in a clean, well lit area and do a trial run to see what is showing up around you on the screen. Yo u can adjust your position and the angle of the camera to make sure only what you want portrayed is visible. A local coffee house will not afford you a quiet and professional environment. Nor will your kitchen table, if you have a house full of folks bustling around getting ready for their day.Dress for the interviewA video interview is every bit as much an interview as an in person one, so make sure you are properly attired. Proper job interview etiquette is to always dress appropriately for the job in which you are applying, not necessarily a day on the job. Even if you know the company has a casual dress code, most interviewers will be taken aback if you show up in jeans and a t-shirt. The same holds true for the video conference. You can change back into your pajamas and robe as soon as its done.Prepare for the interviewYour preparation should be as intense for a video interview as any other. Google, LinkedIn and other resources make it inexcusable to be ignorant to the companys product, mission and other information. Study up on the company and the interviewer to ensure youre ready for kompetenz video interview questions. Prepare a list of things you want to learn during the interview and some questions you want to ask.Master eye contactIts likely that if you adhere to the previous four job interview tips, you will already be a step ahead of the other applicants. However, there is one more big hurdle to cross and thats the eye contact phenomena of video conferencing.We are innately conditioned to show attention to people by looking them in the eye when they speak, and to nod and smile. When we are video conferencing it is almost impossible not to do these things. Remember, that when you make eye contact during a video conference, it should be with your web camera NOT the persons face on your computer This feels very awkward, and is also distracting because you will continuously catch glimpses of your paying attention face, and it will look strange to you . Resist the urge to fix your hair, wipe away a spot (unless its huge) or otherwise act like you are alone in front of a mirror. Focus on the fact that the camera is the interviewers eyes and make appropriate, non-staring eye contact, as naturally as possible.An interview is about showcasing your very best professional side, so follow these job interview tips and make sure your video interview does that for you and you will be one step closer to getting hired.Hire a TopResume writer to help you land more interviews, faster.Related Articles

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Your References Can Cost You the Job

How Your References Can Cost You the JobHow Your References Can Cost You the JobWhen it comes to getting hired, job references can be the deal closer- or the deal breaker, depending on who you choose and what they say about you. Thats why its important for job seekers to pay close attention to the finer details of securing job references.Your job references can cost you the job- here are seven ways how1. You didnt ask ahead of time.Some candidates might consider job references as an afterthought, but theyre really critical to the overall success of your job interviewing experience. So dont just jot down three random names when asked to supply a potential employer with references. Not asking ahead of time can insult the person, plus put them in a position of having to be a reference when they might not have wanted to be one.More than likely, though, your job reference would be happy to do it- just dont assume that they will.2. You asked the wrong people. You got through to the final s tages of the job interviewing process, and are faced with having to give a few job references. Thing is, you dont really have anyone who can vouch for you. Sometimes, job seekers will ask the wrong people to vouch for them, like their parents, other family members, or their close friends.But unless youve worked with (or for) all of them, they dont count towards credible references. Remember, a job reference is there to offer info on your job performance, not that youre a sweetheart who gets along well with everyone.3. You didnt prep them. You got the green light from a former anfhrer to give their name as a job reference. The only problem- you didnt prep him on what to say ahead of time. Job seekers automatically assume that references will know exactly what to say, but they might not.Explain what you need them to say for example, you can ask a former boss to offer insight into your work ethic and your ability to come up with new ideas. And if youre looking for a remote job, make su re that your references also talk up those soft skills that remote companies are looking for, such as strong communication and problem-solving skills.Refresh their memory of anything outstanding that you did while working for the company you should also send over your current resume so that your reference can be reminded of your skills.4. You assumed theyd give you a glowing reference.While you wouldnt say that you had the best relationship with your former boss, it wasnt the worst, either. So when you find out later that your reference gave you a less-than-stellar review, your hopes (and your chances of getting the job) are dashed.If you think that you might not get the glowing praise that you need to get hired for the job, ask your reference what he would say when speaking with a potential boss. If you get the feeling that your reference wont be completely positive, you might want to look for another person to help you.5. You didnt explain what type of job you were applying for. E ven the most well-meaning of job references can blunder their way through a conversation if theyre unsure of what type of job you actually want.When speaking with your reference, let them know the position youre applying for, and tie in how your work with them would make you a top candidate for the job. Then, they can give a clearer reference with specific talking points that can erleichterung their argument for offering you the job.6. You didnt vary your references.Lets face it sometimes the pickings are slim when it comes to job references, especially if you havent had a lot of work experience, have had some jobs that youd like to leave off your resume, or have had employment gaps.If its possible, though, try to vary your references. Look to have at least two to three of these categories represented someone you worked with (i.e., a former colleague or peer), a former boss, a client who hired you (especially if youre looking to land freelance work), and also someone who worked for you, like another employee or even an intern.Having a varied list of references can paint a bigger picture for your future employer as to what kind of employee youd really be.7. You didnt follow up. In an ideal world, youd only have to use your references once and, based on their glowing praise, youd get hired for the job. Unfortunately, your references might have to speak to several employers before youre hired for a position. So make sure to follow up with each of them after they speak with a potential boss.You should do so not only to see how things went, but to thank them for vouching for you. And once youre hired for a job, you should send them a thank-you musiknote (and possibly a little gift) to show your appreciation for their part in landing the job.Know someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Friday, December 13, 2019

3 insights from Gisele Bundchen that can help you live your best life

3 insights from Gisele Bundchen that can help you live your best life3 insights from Gisele Bundchen that can help you live your best lifeAt the center of Gisele Bndchens life philosophy, and the core message underlying herbei newly published best-selling memoir,Lessons My Path to a Meaningful Life, is the highest valued human emotion Love. The most important thing that I want everyone to take from the book is Live your life with love. If were not loving toward ourselves, we cant be loving toward others.Everything starts with ourselves, she says. The supermodel, U.N. Goodwill Ambassador, and environmentalist offers poignant insights to live by in a contemplative exchange with Arianna Huffington on theThrive Global Podcast, in partnership withiHeartRadioandSleep Number. Their conversation included three valuable science-backed takeaways that will improve your life.Make love your creedLove is the engine that fuels every facet of Bndchens life and her spiritual practice. Love is my rel igion because love is the only thing that communicates across the board, she says. It is the only truth the only guiding light in my life. Adopting Bndchens point of view could benefit you immensely.Studies spearheaded by Kory Floyd, Ph.D., a communications professor at the University of Arizona whose research focuses on how affectionate communication affects human health, demonstrate that expressing our love in word or deed increases immunity and lowers stress hormones, cholesterol, and blood pressure.Dont be controlled or defined by what others thinkBndchen actively resists being defined by others. Anytime that you become so defined by a title, or something, you can become enslaved by it, she tells Huffington. That can put you in a box We are not just one thing. And not only do we contain multitudes, as the poet Walt Whitman once wrote, we also can be mora fully ourselves if we avoid getting caught up in the trap of worrying about what others think of us.Most of the time what peop le think of us has nothing to do with us. Its mostly to do with what they feel about themselves, Bndchen points out. Science proves shes right about that A2004 studyshowed that egocentricism muddles our ability to see one another accurately. Keeping that in mind will help liberate you from being preoccupied with other people, and will allow you to focus on your own personal development instead.Get rid of the clutterWhen Huffington asks if Bndchens extremely tidy and spare home helps her remain present and productive, she responds, I think so for sure. I cant think in a messy or cluttered environment. I like only the necessary. The reason she likes things to be very clean and neat and organized is because she thinks her energy can flow better in those environments, boosting her creativity. Studies buttress her point of view. APrinceton study found that an accumulation of detritus challenges our ability to concentrate and complete tasks efficiently. To boot, if we think of our homes a s healing sanctuaries, as Bndchen does hers, it can improve our mental wellbeing, according to a2010 study.To find out more, listen to the full conversation on iHeartRadio,here. You can also listen to the Thrive Global podcast internationally for free oniTunes.This article was originally published on Thrive Global.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How To Successfully Launch A Side Hustle

How To Successfully Launch A Side Hustle Were going live in a few Join the conversation TOPICHow To Successfully Launch A Side Hustle.The new year is rapidly approaching... and if youre thinking about how to turn your dream business a reality, this is the chat to join Violette de Ayala is a Cuban-American serial and social Entrepreneur, Founder of FemCity, virtual mentor to over 20,000 women, and shes joining PowerToFly to answer your pressing questions about launching a side hustle. With only a few dollars, Violette welches able to create a successful brand with locations around the world, and you can tooSee you online ??http// One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well- known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business s trategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a num ber of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and pro ject supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash th e gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

What to Do When Someone Asks You to Work for Free

What to Do When Someone Asks You to Work for FreeWhat to Do When Someone Asks You to Work for FreeWhen close friends have career conundrums, Im quick to ask more questions. Like a good friend should be, Im eager to help. But other times, Ill get messages from people who I barely know or havent spoken to in years. The most astonishing are the ones from people Ive just met or, in fact, have never met. They usually start with some polite greeting, move into a realization that Im a career counselor, and then make a direct request that I have a look at their resume or talk (read counsel) them about their careers- for free. Its a bizarre experience when someone asks you to work for free. Its flattering at first to be recognized for your expertise, but it doesnt take long to grasp that they dont appreciate it enough to actually want to pay you what its worth. In the end, it feels pretty awful. Sadly, it keeps happening- and its not just career counselors. This seems to be a rampant problem in creative industries, especially. Graphic designers, writers, photographers, and more all experience this on a regular basis. So, how do you respond when someone asks you to work for free without screaming, Would you ask your dentist to work for free? Ive spoken to a few more seasoned career counselors, and this is what Ive come up with.1. Assume the Best IntentionsIts always easier to respond when you assume the best. In this case, assume that the rolle does want to pay you. If youre interested in having someone as a client, respond with, Id be happy to help, then go ahead and launch into your services, corresponding fees, and next steps. Of course, these inquiries might not be the best place to be developing clients, since their initial assumption was that your work wasnt worth payment. With this in mind, you may want to consider declining your services.2. Say NoThe next step, then, is to just say no. A mentor of mine suggested something along the lines of, Im flattered that you re seeking my advice (or services), but unfortunately Im not taking on additional clients at the moment. This way you are clearly declining the request, but youre also assuming the best in people by responding to them as if they were seeking to be your client. 3. Offer AlternativesTo ease the blow a little bit, since many times you will want to preserve what little relationship you may have had with this person, offer up other professionals who might be able to help. Ive frequently directed people to other career counselors whose work Im familiar with. This way, not only are you offering another solution, you might also have the opportunity to educate this contact about the value of your work (if, for example, the other recommended professionals have their fees posted on their website).4. Throw in a bonbonFinally, depending on your profession, you might be able to throw in a free resource to show that you care, you just cant work for free. Ill sometimes direct people to specific art icles on The Muse or to a particular career assessment that Ive seen help others in a similar situation. While Ive seen others handle this in a much more statement-y fashion, I cant bring myself to retaliate against someone who is probably going through something unpleasant at his or her job, or worse, doesnt have one. All that said, I still wouldnt work for free, and I hope you wont either. Ive written quite a few of these uncomfortable emails, and theyve all worked out. May your conversations go as seamlessly as possible, too. Good luck. Photo of man with empty wallet courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Contemporary Marketing Resume Templates

Free Contemporary Marketing Resume TemplatesFree Contemporary Marketing Resume TemplatesFor an innovative-but-polished finish, look no further than the contemporary marketing resume templates. This style allows you to highlight your personality while presenting relevant information. Read on to see if its right for you.Create ResumeContemporary Marketing ResumeCustomize ResumeIndustry SnippetsBy using our free contemporary marketing resume templates, you will gain insight into the things your competition may be sharing already. Contemporary Resume Pros and ConsOur style is ideal for job seekers who want to showcase their professional history, but also include dashes of their own personalities to stand out among the sea of candidates.Pros This is an effective way to brand yourself for the long runPros Creative companies will appreciate the efforts you took to perfect this styleCons The graphics make for a pretty resume, but eat up valuable spaceCons Not all employers will appreciate th is contemporary styleResume TextDANAMEYERS123 Street,City, ST, 12345 H (123) 456-7890 C (123) 456-7890 emailleisp.comProfessional SummaryE-Commerce and Digital Marketing Manager with a 9-year history of success in developing highly-effective omnichannel marketing strategies to drive business development, brand development, and customer acquisition. Accomplished in leveraging analytics to uncover opportunities for growth and operational improvement. Strong leader with the capacity to unify teams and align strategic goals. Skill HighlightsDigital and Omnichannel MarketingCustomer Acquisition Google AnalyticsCampaign DevelopmentStrategic PlanningBrand DevelopmentProfessional ExperienceE-Commerce and Digital Marketing Manager1/1/2014 7/1/2016BubblePop, Inc. Chicago, ILDirected day-to-day operations, marketing, and merchandising for online sales channels, including company website and Amazon page.Spearheaded development and maintenance of omnichannel product and marketing assets. Faci litated implementation of order management and order fulfillment processes.Generated reports on key business metrics, and interpreted trends to uncover actionable opportunities for sales and operational improvement.Administered promotional content creation from conceptualization to konzeption and execution to yield maximal response.Identified, evaluated, and managed customer acquisition programs for profitable reach to new customers.Digital Marketing Manager11/1/2009 12/1/2013dscout Chicago, ILCreated and managed digital media strategies and campaigns to build brand awareness, nurture leads, and drive account signups.Formulated and managed event strategy to engage existing and prospective customers participated in conferences, speaking engagements, meet ups, and sponsored events.Helped to create and publish content for company blog and related digital channels administered Hubspot content, workflow, and campaigns.Executed and tuned awareness building initiatives and audience devel opment campaigns across social and content platforms, and launched effective email campaigns.Managed, compiled, and reported marketing KPIs using Google Analytics, Hubspot, and proprietary reporting tools and dashboards.Marketing Manager10/1/2007 11/1/2009Windy City Marketing Chicago, ILManaged day-to-day communications with major clients and internal project management processes, including liaising with third party agencies and internal stakeholders.Directed and supported business operations while ensuring adoption of best-in-class process across partners and programs.Drove internal communications program and informed management of critical issues.Past experience includes Marketing Associate and Marketing Team Lead.Education Bachelor of geschftlicher umgang Administration, MarketingLoyola University Chicago Chicago, IL

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Could your writing get you fired

Could your writing get you firedCould your writing get you fired6 reasons your anfhrer wont tolerate bad writing skills.If you want to land and keep a job in todays market, communication is the name of the game. From your first job interview to your daily geschftlicher umgang interactions, your job performance will rely on what you say and how you say it. And, as organizations become more connected with their clients and peers through the Internet, excellent written communication will become one of the most important job skills you learn.But why is writing so important to keeping your hard-won job? Here are just a few of the reasons why your boss wont tolerate poor writing skills.1. Lolz make you look badWhile text lingo and Twitter speak may save you some characters in your personal life, it really damages your bosss reputation. Its hard to take someone seriously who spells the word, srsly. In most offices, there is a professional etiquette when it comes to writing letters to client s or interoffice communication. Writing in shorthand or slang makes you look less educated, disrespectful, or ignorant. In turn, that makes your boss look like an idiot for hiring you.2. Disorganized ideas = disorganized mindEven if you know how to use language effectively, if you dont know how to organize it, you wont get your ideas across effectively. If you cant write a logical and cohesive summary of a project, paper reviewing a new strategy, or a personal note to a client, you have a very short career ahead of you. The ability to explain an idea without confusing the reader is one of the most vital collaborative skills. If you are unable to create a simple essay with a concrete thesis, body of supporting evidence, and conclusion, you will be at a severe disadvantage in the job market.3. Dont take that toneIn many customer-related businesses, written communication is one of the areas that causes the most trouble. If you dont have the ability to write for a specific audience and recognize the tone of your writing, you can potentially offend people, drive away business, or even get yourself fired. Take this follow-up letter for example.Dear SirIm sorry that you decided not to show up to our appointment. Im sure you had much more important things to do than to save $1000 on your annual car insurance.Not only is this apology condescending and sarcastic, its likely to lead to the loss of a potential client. The writer failed to consider the feelings of the reader, and will now have to deal with an irate customer and manager.4. Editing mistakes lead to lossAnother area that can get you into big trouble is editing. Without completing the editing step on your writing, embarrassing mistakes can accidently be shared with important clients or colleagues. While this makes you look less competent, it also can lead to serious miscommunications that can damage the reputation of the organization or cause significant financial loss.For example, if you write, 10,00 will be refunded to your account, instead of 10.00 will be refunded to your account, an irate customer may claim that they deserve $1,000 instead of the $10.00 that you meant. After a few of these kinds of mistakes, a manager will consider whether your employment is really worth the amount of money your writing skills are costing the company.5. Plagiarism and penaltiesOften, weak writers resort to copying when they dont know exactly what to say. In college, this can lead to a poor grade or loss of credit. In a business setting, you can easily lose your job or damage your companys reputation. If you borrow more than six words from a colleague or competitor, you need to share that with your management and cite your sources. Otherwise, both socially and legally, you are putting your company in jeopardy of copyright infringement or other potentially damaging legal recrimination.6. Missing deadlines leads to distrustFinally, time management is a key element of good writing. Excellent writers are able to know and meet deadlines, often days in advance. If you dont learn this skill now, it could significantly impact your job performance later. In fact, missing deadlines is one of the most common reasons for disciplinary action in a professional setting. Missing deadlines makes managers feel that you are unorganized, undisciplined, and disrespectful. Although you may not be fired for missing one or two, consecutively missing assignment deadlines will negatively impact your job performance and can permanently damage your career.