Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Online course How to get a job at a startup

Online course How to get a job at a startup This course  includes  three days of video sessions and email-based course materials and a  20-minute one-on-one coaching session with Penelope.  You can purchase this course  for anytime, on-demand access. Sign up now. The first job I got at a startup blew my mind. I was learning so incredibly fast, and there was no limit to what my job could include. Anything I could teach myself how to do, I could add to my job. During that time, I had stacks of books everywhere, all the time, so I could keep pace with the problems we faced as a company.  And even though today people learn all that from  the Internet, I keep stacks of books in my house because it reminds me of the excitement of my first job at a startup.  And how much my life has opened up because of that. So many people ask me how to get a job at a startup. And whether youre making a career change or just out of college, getting a job at a startup is not all that difficult. But you need to know how the startup world functions, because  when it comes to job hunting,  getting a job at a startup is definitely different than corporate jobs. Some of the things this  course will show you How to get a job at a startup without using your resume How to find openings  when most startups dont use job listing sites How to tell the good startups from  the bad How to explain why your skills are valuable to a startup How to negotiate stock and salary for a startup job Any personality type can earn  a place at a startup,  and you can find a startup community in almost any size city you just need to know how to approach the task. I have hired people for startups in LA, NY, DC and Wisconsin. And Melissas recruiting firm is one of the  top for Bay Area startups. So between us well be able to tell you how to get a job in any location, and well show you what you need to do to look like the best candidate. So  enroll now. Here  are some topics  the  course will include: Day 1: The all-important cultural fit.   The number-one hiring consideration in a startup is the cultural fit. Well talk about why that is, and how to make yourself a good fit  for the companies  you are most excited about joining. Also,  good news:  the obsession with cultural fit means you dont need to be highly qualified for any particular position. This gives you leeway to describe the best version of yourself in your dream job instead of dwelling on past experiences that werent right for you. Well show you how to do this. Day 2: Talk like you belong and then everyone will believe it. There is a language to the startup universe. And because startups are all about speed, no one wants to have to take the time to show you the startup ropes after youre hired. There are timetables, goal posts, and mentoring scenarios that only exist in this sometimes insular world. And you need to know that common language before you apply for jobs. In this session well show you tricks for learning the lingo  quickly, and how to shift your way of thinking, and your approach to work so you look like you have been in the startup world forever. Bonus: you will feel the excitement and engagement that comes with a startup life even before you go to your first interview. Day 3: Dos and donts of pitching yourself to a startup. You will be shocked to find that there are way more opportunities  for you than you imagined. This  means  youll have  to sort through options, and know how to determine the best way to sell yourself in each circumstance. This session will teach you how to figure out who controls which jobs and who wants to see which pitch.  Some people want to see a resume, some people dont. Some people want you to start contract, some people dont. Some people care only about references, some people care only about the ideas you have this minute. This session will show you how to talk about yourself in a way that makes people want you on their team   no matter what your past experience includes. One-on-one Coaching Session Once youve finished watching the videos, I invite you to call me for a 20-minute coaching session where we can discuss anything youd like. Please email me at penelope@quistic.com to set up a time to talk. Youll be pleasantly surprised how much we can accomplish in just 20 minutes. The cost of the course is $195. Sign up now.

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